Saturday, June 19, 2010

As I told you yesterday, that today I will show another application with which you can apply for leave on line. So let’s see how it is done.

Yesterday we learned to make an application with which user can register there attendance online. I told you that with that one more application is added which allow you for applying leave. You have add a link on the attendance application page, so when ever any user sign in. it means u get a id i.e., an unique number. because you kept a record of all username and password. So it quite obvious that you would have maintained an extra field called id. from there you will get the id records so you use it and make page for user. Its up to that you make a dynamic page or static. but i advise you make dynamic page. As i made it. where you can ask user what kind of leave he want? For many days, he/she wanted to be on leave? etc., keep a submit button. And when user clicks that submit button that all record will go into the database. After That you make page for the authorized who will sanctioned the leave. For That you have use a command in PHP, which is called my_fetch_array(). I tell you about this tomorrow. Till Then keep reading my Blog. And keep commenting too.

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